Arts Education Resolution
Arts ARE Education, is a national initiative for local arts education advocacy. One of the primary tools is a simple resolution that can be adopted by local school districts to document a commitment to “maintain and grow arts education programs in the 2021-2022 school year and beyond.” To date, seven districts in North Carolina have passed Arts ARE Education proclamations, more than any other state. The Local Education Agencies(LEAs) that have adopted the Arts ARE Education Proclamations are:
- Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools
- Chatham County Schools
- Davidson County Schools
- Durham Public Schools
- Rockingham County Schools
- Stokes County Schools
- Wake County Public School System
- Warren County Public Schools
- Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools
- Vance County Schools
There is never a bad time to engage your Superintendent and/or Local School Board and ask them to formally recognize the value of arts education and commit to “maintain and grow arts education programs in the 2021-2022 school year and beyond.”
Seeking support for the Arts ARE Education Board of Education Resolution is a great opportunity to build relationships with school leadership. The following easy steps were drafted by James Daugherty, Advocacy Chair of NC Music Educators Association which were used to pass the Davidson County Schools resolution and that could be used in most school districts to gain support for the proclamation:
- Identify the person who typically sets the agenda for the Board of Education meetings. (Typically this would be the Superintendent or their designee). If you do not know the Superintendent well, this is a great opportunity to “share your story” and thank them for all they’ve done to keep schools safe and moving forward.
- Make contact with the person by introducing yourself, your role/association with the school district, and information about https://www.artsareeducation.org and then ask for their support in requesting the Board of Education consider their visible support for arts education by passing a resolution/proclamation of support. Explain why this is important to you and the importance of having students, parents, and the community see this documented support for the arts. (Sample Superintendent request letter below)
- Offer to craft the resolution/proclamation (using the website document as a facsimile or edit based on school district needs https://www.artsareeducation.org/our-resolution) as a Google doc or Word doc and share in advance so that the Board can pass as presented or make any edits/changes.
- Share the newly crafted resolution/proclamation and ask you could be notified which Board meeting agenda this may appear. You might also offer to speak or share thoughts at the Board meeting on behalf of the document if you feel comfortable.
- Once the proclamation/resolution is passed, thank all those involved with a personal email. Parts of the “Superintendent request letter” below could be used to thank the Board and others.
- Let Arts ARE Education know by entering the details of your LEA and resolution (https://www.artsareeducation.org/our-resolution) so that the entire country can celebrate your success! Also, be sure to email us at info@artsnc.org so we can celebrate your achievement as well!
This will also help to position arts education in your district for federal Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funding from the American Rescue Plan (ARP) as well as other funding from federal, state, and local sources.
Cut & Paste: Sample Email/Letter to Superintendent for Arts Education Resolution
Superintendent [NAME HERE]:
I want to thank you for your service as our superintendent during this time like no other in education. You have been faced with unprecedented funding, staffing and safety issues, and your work to maintain a quality education for our students in the face of these challenges is recognized and appreciated.
We all know that additional challenges lie ahead for the 2021-22 school year and beyond. I know that the budgeting issues brought on by the recession, the additional costs that might be needed for Personal Protective Equipment to ensure classroom safety (particularly in performing arts classrooms), and how the district will support students with learning loss due to the pandemic are at the top of the list for the board.
As an arts education advocate, I always hope we can do as much as possible to maintain access to the arts for all students in our schools as we know that the arts at all grade levels are a critical component to keeping students engaged in school and supporting their social and emotional well-being.
In April, more than 100 arts and education organizations, including the National Association for Elementary School Principals and the National Education Association, endorsed the “Arts Education is Essential” statement. Several North Carolina Boards of Education have also passed the resolution. The document asserts that the arts, a well-rounded subject area under federal law, support the social and emotional well-being of students, foster a welcoming and safe school environment, and encourage the inclusion of every student’s voice.
I am hopeful that our district can consider and pass the Arts ARE Education Resolution at the [DATE HERE], 2021 board meeting, which will simply state that [YOUR SCHOOL DISTRICT HERE] will “maintain and grow arts education programs in the 2021-2022 school year and beyond.” Our teachers and students would deeply appreciate this visible statement of support.
I know these are challenging times and also know our resources may not allow us to meet every expectation or desire but knowing we have the support of our Board and Superintendent is a significant milestone.
It is critical we ensure the arts remain a part of every child’s well-rounded education in [YOUR SCHOOL DISTRICT HERE] especially as we help them recover from such a life-altering experience as the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic.
Cut & Paste: Arts ARE Education Board of Education Resolution
Whereas all students have the right to an arts education that includes dance, media arts, music, theatre, and visual arts taught by certified arts educators, in partnership with community providers.
Whereas arts education has the power to change students’ lives.
Whereas arts education is a key to re-igniting students’ learning in a post-COVID-19 world.
Whereas arts education helps nurture healthy, inclusive communities where all points of view are respected.
Whereas arts education experiences help students understand their own cultural roots and appreciate others’ cultural roots and traditions.
Whereas arts education supports the social and emotional well-being of students and fosters a more positive, safer school environment.
Whereas arts education is part of the well-rounded education for every student as outlined in the Every Student Succeeds Act and in state law.
Therefore, [YOUR SCHOOL DISTRICT HERE] School District pledges to maintain and grow our arts education programs in the 2021-22 school year and beyond.