Arts North Carolina
Arts North Carolina is the statewide advocacy organization working to advance public funding and policy for arts education and nonprofit arts and cultural organizations, as well as the broader creative economy.
Arts ARE Education
Arts ARE Education is a new national campaign in support of arts education for all students
Arts Education Partnership
The Arts Education Partnership (AEP) is a national network of organizations dedicated to advancing the arts in education through research, policy and practice. You can subscribe to their Arts Ed Digest, a source of national and international arts education communications.
A+ Schools
The A+ Schools Program is a whole-school reform model that views the arts as fundamental to how teachers teach and students learn in all subjects. The mission of the A+ Schools Program is to create schools that work for everyone – students, teachers, administrators, parents, and the community.
Americans for the Arts
Americans for the Arts (AFTA) a national arts advocacy organization whose mission is to build recognition and support for the of the arts and to lead, serve, and advance the diverse networks of organizations and individuals who cultivate the arts.
National Assembly of State Arts Agencies
National Assembly of State Arts Agencies (NASAA) is a professional association of the nation’s state and jurisdictional arts agencies. NASAA is a national, not-for-profit, nonpartisan organization that champions public support for the arts in America.
Partnership for 21st Century Learning Skills
The Partnership for 21st Century Skills is an advocacy organization focused on infusing 21st century skills into education. Skill such as critical thinking and problem solving, communication, creativity and innovation, collaboration, information and media literacy, and contextual learning skills are inherent outcomes of training in music, theatre, dance, and visual arts.